Beauty & the Brand: Beyonce

If there is one thing I learned from Beyonce's GQ article, it's that she is incredibly good at documenting every move she makes. Through her massive personal archive of photo and video - some of which is featured on her Tumblr and new BeyHive Blog - it's clear this is a woman who took her career by the reins. She's got full control of her brand and likeness, and she manages to use that to bring her fans in for a closer look. I love to cover her on Fresh Jess because of her unparalleled hustle and laser-like focus on her brand. She knows she's sacrificed a lot in order to realize her dreams. Such an amazing role model for women everywhere.

Whoever her photographer is, Beyonce and the camera make a great team. She really knows how to capture many an emotion in an image. Case in point: this photo of Bey and Jay-Z at the Inauguration is the picture of hip-hop royalty. 

p.s. My thoughts on the Inauguration lip-synch scandal are this: musicians pre-record vocals over the track all the time, especially for outdoor, public events. You can read and believe what you want to, but at the end of the day, she sang the shh out of The Star-Spangled Banner in the bitter DC cold. She may or may not have had some help (from her own voice) but she did her job.

All photos via Beyonce's Tumblr

today was a GOOD day

On this day, we come to proclaim an end to the petty grievances and false
promises, the recriminations and worn-out dogmas, that for far too long have
strangled our politics.


i think the political landscape is in for a cultural and generational roller coaster over these next four years that it's never seen before. about time!

full text of president obama's inauguration speech here - chicago tribune