Fresh Jess

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On Transitions & A Life Update

Happy Monday & happy November! Now that we're full swing into fall, I thought a fun life update was in order. Then I thought about it, and there's not a whole lot I want to talk about right now!

If you're worried, please don't be - I'm totally fine. When I take stock of what's happening in my life right now, everything seems to be in a time of transition or in the works. It's in these times of transition where we see where we're progressing and where we're not - and the actions we need to take to make exciting things happen.

Getting used to having a full-time contract gig exhausted me for the better part of summer and early fall, and last month I felt like I finally had the hang of it. I even took on coffee dates catching up with friends, workshops and events again. I was so focused on being present for this gig, it dominated my weekdays and I started to miss those connections. 

Workout life is in a bit of flux right now too. Seattle classes are on a sort of hiatus. On top of that, I slipped so hard on this metal grate walking home from work one rainy day about a week agooo and landed square on my tailbone. I went to Booty Barre class on Friday and just barely made it through that; I'm just now feeling like I can (and should) get back to working out. Of course, this injury was like a gateway back to the land of excuses to not work out. It's too early. It's too late. I'm tired. I need to sleep. I'm not sure if my body/tailbone's up to it. I can't figure out where to work it into my schedule. That's where I'm at. This week I'm figuring out what workouts to do to ease my lower back into it; in place of Glow class and where to fit it into my schedule. 

One thing I can talk about that I'm hyped for is my new bi-weekly posts for! I'm so excited to be part of the SELFMade Collective, and am writing on health, fitness, fashion, beauty and all other parts of a SELFMade woman's lifestyle. I have all the insecurities and nerves about being part of this Collective, but I figure they came to me for a reason and I'm totally game to show up for the task at hand. It's quite an honor and I'm stoked to be part of it!

Part of having the new work schedule down means throwing myself back into my blog too. I have a lot of fun things in the works but right now, they're all eggs in the basket that'll be beautiful chickadees in a bit! 

A beautiful editorial I did with Moda + Estilo! Shot by Eleanor Petry. See the full spread here.

Transition times are not flashy or news-worthy, but are so absolutely necessary. I'm actively reaching for more balance in how much time I spend online and off. It's a tough thing to unlearn having your phone glued to your hand, and in place I've been doing a lot of reading, self-care and snuggling with my bulldog. 

Hope your fall is off to a great start too!
