To Blog or Not to Blog? On Reaching the Plateau

In my quest to simplify this year, blogging continues to have a big question mark above it. I've made some big strides in saying 'no' to the unnecessary and creating space for my priorities, but I haven't figured out where blogging fits into it all.

I still struggle with being distracted by the interwebz, but I'm a lot more aware of it and working so hard to be more present in the moment. I'm working on some really fun projects at work that are so fulfilling but leave me so exhausted by the time I leave. The last thing I want to do is open up my laptop again and write!

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The General Assembly Seattle panel talk on blogging brought the fleeting thoughts and opinions I've had about the industry to the forefront of my mind, and it's been there ever since. I've been in this game for seven years. Most, if not all the bloggers I've enjoyed following (as well as me) have used their blog to parlay their careers to new heights. Many incredible things I've done in these last seven years have been because of blogging, and I'm sure my peers would agree.

After enough success with blogging (however you define 'success'), there reaches a plateau, and from there, a fork in the road. Some bloggers continue to evolve their blog as one integral piece of a full-on professional business (as consultants, stylists, writers, and the like.) Others decide their blog has served its purpose, and move on from it altogether.

I've been sitting with writer's block that's caused by my year of simplifying. I know all the things I should do to reignite my passion for this, but life happens and I'm out here enjoying it. However, this continues to eat away at me because I know I will always come back to blogging. There are incredible stories to tell about the people, places and things that color my life and I am determined to share them.

How I will share those stories is the big question mark, and the way I was blogging before just isn't cutting it.

We'll call this growing pains. I've been working behind the scenes to figure out a content strategy that works best for me and this little blog I love so dearly. I am not going away by any means - but I am continuing on this sort-of break I've been on. I'll write when it compels me. I'll keep working behind the scenes so that when I come back full-on, it'll be worth it. For you and for me. I love writing for you. Thank you for sticking with me!

Follow me on Instagram and at JessEstrada206 on SnapChat for the daily haps in my life. Big things coming here soon!

Follow my year of simplifying here.