Baohaus' Eddie Huang Has a Show & It's Awesome

I love following entrepreneurs on Twitter. They come in all shapes and sizes, and keep me on my toes while inspiring to ALWAYS be who I want to be regardless of who I work for and what I want to do. Entrepreneurs over everything.

I started following Eddie Huang after hearing about his infamous Four Loko Thursdays, which enjoyed a short but mighty run before it (and his restaurant, Xiao Ye) were shut down by the NYPD. This was back when Four Loko was still in its "we're legal but we'll fuck you up" stage, not in its watered-down, Dimetapp-with-some-bubbles current state. I wanted to go to there so bad.

Anyway, I thought it was awesome to see a (cool) Asian-American doing his thang in the restaurant business, so I found his blog and Twitter. Since his General Loko days, Huang has rubbed elbows with Anthony Bourdain & Tom Colicchio, seen Baohaus take off and even found a place for himself among other 2013 TED fellows. Lately, he's been illin with VICE magazine for a short web series called "Fresh Off the Boat." Check out the first two episodes in Taiwan below and follow Eddie on some food adventures around the world on VICE's YouTube.

This one I had to throw in because it features Filipino food:

"I think our's our job to break the barriers and get people to eat outside their comfort zone."