Fresh Jess

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Aces Interview: Nohe Ka

The interview series I started last month during 30Fresh has resonated so well with readers that I've decided to extend the series indefinitely! From now on, these interviews will be a look into the lifestyle of people I admire who are doing amazing things for their community and world. To see all of these interviews, look for the Aces tag.

Today in Aces, please meet one third of my Pretty Gang and one of the most beautiful island girls I've ever seen, Nohe Ka!

Let's talk about how I was too intimidated by Nohe when I first met her to even have a straight conversation with her. Imagine a tall, gorgeous Hawaiian athlete girl strolling around Niketown. Then imagine a tiny, awkward Filipino college girl just trying to make a living dressing mannequins in the same store. Though Nohe's known my best friend Paula their whole lives, I never really talked to her much until recently. Thank you once again to based God & Twitter!

Nohe is the picture of how to make single motherhood life look effortless while having and doing it all. She holds down a stellar job at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and raises her young daughter to be just as well-rounded as she is, while staying close with her parents & brother, and regularly entertaining fun dance parties and nights out with Paula and I. OH and don't get me started on her cooking skills. Chicken adobo, spam musubi, all that. I feel like I can't go a week without seeing my two favorite island girls, and glad to have a forum for you all to meet them.

What's on your playlist right now?

Major Lazer, Major Lazer, Major Lazer. Ever since their concert in March that’s 90% of what I’m listening to, the other 10% is Miguel. The How Many Drinks Remix with Kendrick Lamar is everything!

Describe your style.

I think my style is diverse, my friends have also said sophisticated MILF. I absolutely LOVE accessories - from scarves, jewelry, watches and of course handbags. Louis Vuitton will always be a weakness of mine. I’m usually in black, always in heels and will pay a small fortune for a good white tee.

Who inspires you?

My boo, Anuhea and my parents. They all put perspective in my life and keep me grounded. Anu makes me want to be a better person and brings laughter to my life every day. My parents are great role models and I feel like I’m a combination of both. My dad is stern and intimidating. My mom is smart, kind and considerate. The #1 thing they’ve taught me is loyalty.

What are you reading?

I’ve been reading a lot of nonprofit benchmarking reports for work, Fresh Jess (this month’s posts are my 7am highlight I look for on the train) and any YouTube videos you or Paula send me. Ha!!

What are you most excited about in the coming months?

There are a lot of exciting things going on for me at work now and in the coming months. Two big things in my work life right now are Project Violet and Obliteride. Project Violet is an inspired grassroots project to allow people in the community to “adopt-a-drug” for $100 and follow that drug through the research process. Obliteride is our new annual bike ride taking place August 9-11. What’s unique about this ride, besides the picturesque routes, is that 100% of every dollar will go directly to the research at Fred Hutch. It’s exciting because we’re trying new strategies to offset the drop in government funding due to sequestration. Oh! And highlight of the summer will be Hawaii in July for my family reunion. We’ll be spending time on the Big Island and Honolulu. No doubt I’ll be eating the entire time.

Thank you!

Read all of my Aces interviews here.