Fresh Jess

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30Fresh Aces: Jen Joyce

Each week during 30Fresh, I'll introduce you to a couple of incredible people whose soul, energy, humor, talent, intellect and dreams light up my life. I think the world of them and hope you do too!

Next up in the Aces series - Jen Joyce!

If you live in Seattle, are on Twitter and enjoy Hotel Max, Uber, Capitol Hill, music or all of the above, most likely you know who Jen Joyce is. Back in 2009, the Seattle Twitter scene was new and fresh. Jen reached out to me for some advice on hosting her first Tweetup for then-employer Hotel Max. A friendship laced with hashtags and fun was forged and has remained strong ever since!

I adore Jen Joyce. She is one of the nicest people on the planet with a big heart and an even more wonderful laugh. She will make you smile no matter how blue. I've had the honor of Jen's friendship for a few years now, and it's been so great to see her grow into one of the most recognizable community managers in the game. Meet my boo:

What's on your playlist right now?

Uber Seattle Office Playlist is what fuels my work day. I am constantly adding new stuff. It just keeps me going. :) If I were to pick a few specific bands I am listening to on repeat it would be:

  • Grizzled Mighty

  • Hey Marseilles (THE NEW ALBUM IS SO GOOD. Check it out, kids.)

  • Pony Time

  • Father John Misty

Describe your style.

Well, I was asked this in an interview for Poshy Magazine. I really had no idea so I asked my boyfriend. His answer was Grandma Chic. I guess I do wear a lot of cardigans and knitted items. ;)

Who inspires you?

This is going to sound super cheese but my friends! I know the most hard-working people in the world. When I feel like I need a boost I just grab a happy hour or check their social media to see what they have been up to. It's always something that pushes me to do my best.

What are you reading?

Reading? Who has time for reading? Does Twitter count?

What are you most excited about in the coming months?

SO MUCH. Working for Uber has been the most amazing experience ever. We have taken an industry that is old and outdated and made it new, fresh...and well, Uber! My work family is full of the smartest, most creative, funnest people in the whole world. I so am proud to be a part of it and can't wait to see what we are going to do next! ;)

Thank you!

30Fresh30 days of posts celebrating 30 years - and 5 of Fresh Jess!