Fresh Jess

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Resolution Challenge 2014: Workout Fiend

Hey y'all! We are in Phase II of the Resolution Challenge, and fitness is now our main focus. I was pretty good about working out consistently last year, but when the holidays came around, I began a slow but steady descent into a season full of excuses not to work out. It's crazy how much strength and endurance you can lose in just a few weeks of being so lazy. Never. Again. I was sick just before the detox, but powered through a few workouts anyway. Each one kicked my butt - but I knew I needed to start somewhere, and I preferred to start sooner rather than later. If we wait 'til we're totally not sick, or not busy, or not traveling so much - who knows if we'll ever start at all?

We've ramped up just the intensity of our workouts, and now I'm basically working out at 6:00a.m. every day! Add on at least one more Zumba class in the week, and this is me pretty much all the time:

LOL! The pain is good though. It's how I know I'm making progress. I love group workouts because then you have someone there to motivate you; help push you past your limits; and most of all, to make sure you're getting the most out of each move while not hurting yourself. I hate basically everything that requires going up and down stairs, sitting down or bending over right now, but it'll pass and I'll be toner. I couldn't have fathomed working out this much last month, and I've already seen so much improvement in the last week. We're just getting started...can't wait to see how far we've come in a few more weeks!


Never a dull moment with my BFF. Wearing Oiselle's Flyte long sleeve & Roga short.